
Eliminate Unsightly Veins: Sclerotherapy for a Smoother Appearance

At our dermatology clinic, we offer comprehensive solutions to address a variety of skin concerns. Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment that effectively eliminates varicose veins and spider veins, revealing smoother, more confident-looking legs.


What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a safe and proven technique that targets unwanted veins with a precise injection of a sclerosing solution. This solution:

  • Irritates the vein lining: The solution triggers a controlled inflammatory response within the vein.
  • Causes Closure: The irritated lining encourages the vein walls to collapse and seal shut.
  • Promotes Blood Clot Formation: A blood clot forms within the closed vein, further promoting vein closure.

Over time, the treated veins are reabsorbed by the body, leaving you with a smoother and more even-toned appearance.


Benefits of Sclerotherapy:

  • Effective Treatment: Sclerotherapy offers a proven track record for eliminating varicose and spider veins.
  • Minimally Invasive: The procedure requires only a thin needle and local anesthetic for comfort.
  • Reduced Appearance of Veins: Enjoy smoother-looking legs with less visible spider and varicose veins.
  • Improved Confidence: Feel more confident in shorts, skirts, and swimwear.
  • Outpatient Procedure: Sclerotherapy typically requires no downtime and allows you to resume your daily activities quickly.


Is Sclerotherapy Right for You?

During a consultation, our dermatologist will assess the severity and location of your varicose or spider veins to determine if sclerotherapy is the most suitable option.

Say goodbye to unsightly veins and hello to smoother, more confident legs with Sclerotherapy. Schedule your consultation today!


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